T's Top Tips
○ General Priorities
(> means greater than)• Research > buildings & troop quantity - only use speed ups on research
• Military research > monster research > economy research > defense research
• ATK/Offense > health > defense - this is true for research, talents, and gear
○ Join a Guild & HUNT
If you're not in a guild, you're going to miss out on lots of good stuff like Guild Events, but most importantly Monster Hunting. Hunting is where you're going to get most of your resources, speed ups, gems, materials - everything. Hunt often!○ Training Troops
• At first, you'll want to train evenly so that you can be prepared for all situations (like Darknests) and so that you're not an easy target to zero. Train a minimum of your march limit of each of the three main troop types so you can switch counters when needed.• Only train 10%-20% of siege. Never train siege evenly. You don't need much.
• After you've got the above trained, pick a single troop type to focus on and just train those. Forge equipment, set your talents, and max your research to match that type.
○ You Only Need ONE Farm
Your troops will not die if you don't feed them. You will never be able to maintain positive food production with even a modest amount of troops - so don't even try. Build ONE Farm to upgrade with the rest of your buildings. After you've built Acadamy Level 25, you don't even need that one anymore unless you're going to switch some of your existing Military buildings to Manors.○ Spending Gems
• Priority #1 - building supplies to upgrade your Battle Hall, Prison, and Alter. Buy the 10,000 gem packs directly from the building when you're upgrading for the best price.• It's never a good idea to use gems to speed up troop training. Troops die. Research is forever.
○ Spending Actual Money
It's easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole and start spending like a crazy person with this game. My only advice is that if you're going to do it, do it wisely.The Castle Packs are a great value. They're offered for a limited time after you finish upgrading to castles 7, 11, 14, 19, 21, 23, & 25. In the mall, the Gem Packed, Sweet Deal, Material Madness, and Crown Jewel packs are all generally worth it.
If you're going to invest in a paid hero, the most economical way to do it is to purchase just the least expensive pack each time it comes around in the mall. I'd suggest focusing on one or two heros to start. Look at what they do and not just the cool photographs. There are three that give you all three Army Battle Skill boosts - Berserker, Lore Weaver, and Songstress of the Sea. They're a great place to start.
What Should I Focus On?
Starting with a fresh castle can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing even if you're an experienced player. There are lots of different methods and ideas out there. Different players do different things. If you don't do it "my" way, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong, but this what I would recommend:
• Step 1: Rush castle 17. Build the buildings needed to upgrade to C17.
• Step 2: Build your Academy to 17 and do the minimum research on the military page to unlock T3 troops.
• Step 3: Focus research on Military until maxed for Academy level. Then do Monsters. Then do Economy. Then do Upgrade Military. Each time you upgrade your Academy, go back to the Military page first.
Then (do this all more or less at once):
• Build all your main buildings to 17 before continuing to upgrade your castle. Rushing C25 will make you a target and if you don't have strong research, you'll get beaten enough times to get discouraged. Research is key!
• Unlock all 8 Skirmishes.
• Build your extra buildings. I'd recommend 5-6 manors to start, 1 barrack, and the rest infirmaries. Start swapping manors for infirmaries once you've got a decent troop count. Choose one resource to focus on (not food) and build just that type. Max your research and talents to match. Trade with others who have different focused rss.
• Take a break from researching order above at some point and unlock the Ranged and Cavalry Phalanxes under Army Leadership.
• Battle in the Colosseum
• Forge Equipment
• Work on your Heros
• Work on Familiars
Being Attacked FAQ
Let's start by saying you're going to be attacked. It's part of the game. It's kind of the whole point of the game. You will be attacked. Period.What should I do if I'm attacked?
• Don't try to "handle it" alone. Let your guild know. You're stronger as a team. Your leader and R4s can help decide how best to handle it. They might retaliate or tell you to. You might not be strong enough to do so yet if your attacker is part of a very strong guild. If you attack back without consulting anyone, you might get the whole guild attacked.• Keep calm. It happens. You may lose troops and/or resources. Rebuild, retrain, ask us for supplies, and try to minimize your losses next time. There WILL be a next time.
How can I protect my troops?
• SHIELD or SHELTER!! I cannot stress this enough. If you don't have any shields, send your troops and leader to the shelter. If you'll be gone longer than the shield will hold, do both.• Upgrade your infirmaries. If your troops are gathering or on your turf when you're attacked, they'll be wounded instead of dying. It's cheaper and quicker to heal vs retrain, but anyone who doesn't fit will die. Make sure your infirmaries are big enough to hold as many of your troops as possible so you only suffer wounds instead of deaths.
• Hold a fake rally. Pick a level 5 Darknest and set it for 8 hours.
• Reenforce and/or garrison a guildmate who has a long shield activated.
• There's an attack coming for you and you've done all that, but you've still got more troops than your Infirmaries can hold: RUN. Send them to gather very far away, but don't let them stay there. Either withdrawal right before they get there or recall them as soon as they do. Just get them out for the attack. Keep them moving.
How can I make myself a less attractive target?
• SHIELD or SHELTER! If there are no troops to hit, it's not as worth it.• Keep your resources LOW! Only keep on hand what fits in your vault. Gold is only protected at level 25, so don't stock up. Don't open any resources from your bag unless you're using it all right away. If there are no resources to steal, it's not as worth it.
• Don't scout or attack anyone unless you mean it. Randomly attacking will draw attention not only from that player, but potentially their whole guild. Revenge is usually worth it just to watch the place burn - even if there are no troops or resources.
No matter what you do or how pointless it may seem for someone to attack you, you're going to be attacked. Unless you've got a shield up 24/7, you're going to be attacked. It may even be for no reason whatsoever - just some jerk who thinks it's fun. (That's me!) But you're going to be attacked. Minimize your losses wherever possible, try to be as unattractive a target as possible, and after you get attacked - pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on.About T4s
You start with T1s. You go with the natural flow of the game and you can unlock T2s. You push a little harder and unlock T3s. You may think the next step is T4s, but I'm here to burst your bubble and tell you it's not.T3s will be your primary troop type for a very long time. T4s are extremely difficult, time consuming, and costly to unlock. It is the ultimate goal to achieve - not the next natural step in the game. Don't be fooled by how easy some people made it look. It is a challenge.
It will cost many gems. You need to build one of each building type to lvl 25 in order to build Academy 25. This means you need to buy a Golden Hammer for each 25 building. You also need to buy all of the War Tomes, Steel Cuffs, and Soul Crystals to upgrade the Battle Hall, Prison, and Alter.
Next is the research. You must research every item on the Economy page to lvl 10 except Gem Harvesting. You must also research the entire Military page to lvl 10. These are extremely time consuming. The timers on the last researches start at YEARS before research buffs. They also take an obscene amount of resources. Hundreds of millions of gold.
If unlocking T4s is your goal, it can be done. I am not telling you this to discourage you, but rather to put it into perspective. T4s are very challenging to unlock, but can be very rewarding once you have.
What's the difference between reinforcing someone and sending a garrison?
You can get reinforcements from your guild mates mates up to the number your embassy holds. Reinforcements act like they're part of your troops now. You cant send them out or anything, but they add to your troops on your Turf. They will fight under your heros, your research, your gear, and your boosts.Garrisons are a whole different animal. It might help, it might not. A garrison is like a mini castle from your guild mate set up outside your castle. It uses the stats from the player who is garrisoning you and basically has nothing to do with you. Any attack will hit that first. If it zeros that garrison, then the attack will continue through to your castle.
Garrisons can sometimes help if the castle being attacked is very weak and actually needs to not get hit or if the garrison is set to just be a roadblock to weaken the attack by sending only a handful of troops and definitely not the leader.