Tutorials, explanations, guides, and information for the IGG game, Lords Mobile.


Can I Take This Hit?

Alright, let's do the math. I loathe maths, so you're lucky I like you guys.

The ratio for troops is:
1 T4 = 1.5 T3s
1 T4 = 2.25 T2s
1 T4 = 4.5 T1s
1 T3 = 1.5 T2s
1 T3 = 3 T1s
1 T2 = 2 T1s
Now that's the base troop. No research, no talents, no nothing.

Without an army boost scroll the max a 25 castle can send is 250k. Castle max of 200k plus 5 Rank 8 heros at 10k each. With a 50% scroll, it's 375k.

Eating a Rally

Level 25 Battle Hall holds 2m plus the leader's troops.

So, let's pretend the leader popped a scroll and they actually fill it. Also pretend they fill it with T4s. That's 2,375,000 troops. If every single one of them is a T4, you'll need a minimum of:
3,562,500 T3s or
5,343,750 T2s or
10,687,500 T1s

Now that doesn't include the leader's research, talents, gear, any ATK boost scrolls, 10% Army ATK from having a 25 Battle Hall, prisoners, alter boosts, or any titles.

You're going to need more troops to counter all that. But remember you also have your stats. Your wall, traps, research, heros, turf boosts, etc.

If it's a full 2,375,00 of only T3s, you "only" need:
1,583,334 T4s or
2,375,000 T3s or
3,562,500 T2s or
7,125,000 T1s

AND none of this factors in counters. If you've got 10m T1 Infantry and they send a rally of T4 Cavalry - you're doomed.

Taking a Single Hit

Just try to take a single attack first. Worry about rallies later.

Full T4 march of 375k you need a bare minimum of:
562,500 T3s
843,750 T2s
1,687,500 T1s

Full T3 march of 375k, bare minimum is:
375,000 T3s
562,500 T2s
1,125,000 T1s

Remember, those are base troops! If whoever is attacking you has good stats, gear, and talents set correctly, you need more. Especially if your research and gear isn't so hot and you're not set to war talents.

What if People Help?

You can get reinforcements from your guildmates mates up to the number your embassy holds. Reinforcements act like they're part of your troops now. They will fight under your heros, your research, your gear, and your boosts.

Garrisons are a whole different animal. It might help, it might not. A garrison is like a mini castle from your guildmate set up outside your castle. It uses the stats from the player who is garrisoning you and basically has nothing to do with you. Any attack will hit that first. If it zeros that garrison, then the attack will continue through to your castle.

Garrisons can sometimes help if the castle being attacked is very weak and actually needs to not get hit or if the garrison is set to just be a roadblock to weaken the attack by sending only a handful of troops and definitely not the leader.

What if I Can't Take It?

If you can't take a single attack and you're still in fury and can't shield? HIDE!
1. Fill your shelter and make sure your leader is in there.
2. Fill a lvl 5 Darknest for 8 hrs - send your highest ranked heros.
3. Find a guild mate that has a long shield. Reinforce to your max march/their max embassy capacity. Then Garrison them with your next highest ranking heros to send full march plus hero command bonuses.
4. If you've still got troops, repeat step 3 with another guild mate.
5. If you've *still* got troops, wtf are you hiding them for? Get everyone home, set your gear and talents for war and have your mates call you on here if you get rallied.