Tutorials, explanations, guides, and information for the IGG game, Lords Mobile.

About Your Leader

About Your Leader

Leader Captured?

⋆ How to prevent it:
Always, always, always protect him. SHIELD or SHELTER!! If you're offline, shelter everyone who fits. If you join a rally, leave 1 guy home to put with him in the shelter.

⋆ Why it's a big deal:
Without your leader you do not get any talent or equipment boosts. It makes training, researching, and constructing very difficult. When there is a hero in a prison, it gives the holder boosts. Good if you're the one holding, bad if it's your leader in prison.

⋆ Why it's not a big deal:
You will get him back. Eventually. He doesn't lose anything permanently. If your castle is 9 or less, he will escape on his own in a few hours. If you're C17 and up, he can be kept for several days and executed. Execution isn't fatal! Revive him with fruit from the store. It can be purchased with guild coins.

⋆ Never pay ransom!!
If they know you'll give them gold, they'll come back for more. It's not worth it.

Assigning a Leader

(I'm going to say he a lot, but only because it's proper English to choose one pronoun. Chicks can lead too, man.)

The thing to remember about assigning a leader is that it is (well, should be) a temporary thing based on what you're doing. He's not some permanent fixure in your account. As long as he's home and not engaged, you can change him whenever you want.

If you're hosting a DN, hosting an enemy rally, or attacking a solo castle, he should be set to counter whatever is the primary troop in the target.

If you're doing a hive raid, he should be someone you're always going to send. Either someone with Logistical Battle Skills that support your primary troop type or someone with an army boost or something else applicable for every counter. Bombin' Goblin is actually a good leader for raids if you've got him worked up because he's got an army attack boost and a trap attack boost.

If you're sitting around unsheilded and unsheltered, first you'd better be sure it's on purpose and you can take an attack. Then make sure your leader supports your best troops. Same as the rest of the heros assigned to your wall. You want them all to have Logistical Battle Skills that support troop types you have. It doesn't hurt if they've got trap defence, trap HP, or wall DEF in addition to army or troop Logistical Battle Skills. Definitely don't put a hero on your wall who has mostly - or all - Adminstrative Battle Skills or Logistical ones that only support siege. If you're finished with the first two chapters of the Hero Stages, you've already got better options.

Remember that sending your leader into battle activates your war talents and gear. But your leader's Administrative Battle Skills are always active whether he's the leader or not. And if you're sending other heros into battle without him, you won't get your gear and talents, but their Logical Battle Skills will still apply. Same as all of their Administrative Battle Skills are "on".

If you're not actively using your leader (you're shielded or he's in the shelter) it truly doesn't matter who you have set a your leader. As long as he's not in prison, all of the talents that don't apply to war will be active. The specific hero you've chosen as your leader only comes into play based on his Logistical Battle Skills when he is in battle. So it's fine to just pick your favorite or the one you're most proud of and switch him out when you're actually doing something. Just don't forget to switch him.