Troop Training FAQs
How many, what kind, and why.⋆ How many should I train?
• Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry: minimum of max march for each type
• Seige: 10% to 20% of max march
• After that, pick a single troop type and train them constantly. ALWAYS have troops training.
⋆ What is "Maximum March"?
• Max march is max army size (click castle) + the hero command boost (under hero battle skills) for the number of heros you can send (click castle, click i).
• Easy way to find it: click rally on a Darknest. Assign heros. Use the number you can send.
⋆ Can you give me an example?
This castle is C14 (it's not). My max army size is 56k. I can send 4 heros with this size castle. My 4 best heros are Rank 4 and can command 1,440 each. My maximum march is 61,760.
So, I keep at least 62k on hand of each main troop type and about 7k of siege. Then once that min is reached, I pick a troop type to specialize in and only build that troop type. If I get perms in the other types, upgrade my castle, or upgrade my heros, I rebuild to max march before continuing training my specialized troop.
⋆ Why?
It's good to have all troop types on hand for situations you need counters for, like DNs and enemy rallies. But it's also good to specialize in one troop type so you can max your gear, talents, and research in that one type for ultimate impact.
⋆ Which Tiers?
Your choice, but I only keep T1s & T3s on hand. Once I unlock T3s, I do not replace the T2s ever and only replace the T1s once I've got a full march of each T3 type.
⋆ What about Siege?
Do not train siege evenly with they other troop types. They are only to take down walls and you don't need many.
⋆ How can I train troops faster?
You can boost training speed using Manors, talents, research, and turf boosts. I would recommend 5 or 6 Manors at first, only 1 barrack, and the rest Infirmaries. Switch your manors over to Infirmaries as your army grows.
Don't do any of this if you're building a trap. That's a whole different ball game.
Fake Rallies
Using rallies to protect troops.Key Factors
• Must be set for 8hrs• If you're using a Darknest, it MUST be a level 5
• If someone in the guild sets a rally for 8hrs or you see an ongoing rally for more than 1hr - DO NOT JOIN
• Don't send your leader. He's safer in the shelter.
The Details
Once you have filled your shelter, the next option to protect additional troops is a “fake rally” or “ghost rally”.A normal rally is used to attack another player or Darknest in the future after a set period of time. This allows other members of your guild to join the fight. Rallies can be set for 5 min, 10 min, 1 hour, or 8 hours.
Fake rallies are only used for protection. It's really the only time anyone will set a rally for 8 hours. As long as no one else joins, the rally will be cancelled when the time runs down. Nothing will happen.
Set the rally:
• Select your target
• Select Rally Attack
• Add troops
• Add heros or use a max army scroll to add more troops
So, what happens to your troops while they wait for the 8 hour timer to count down? Well, they are completely protected just like the troops in your shelter. All you need to do is log back into your account within 8 hours and cancel the rally. You can then immediately set a new rally if you need to.
Your troops will never leave your turf but will be completely protected while you are offline. They're right there and ready should you need them. Just like the shelter, this allows you to protect your max march of troops plus any hero or scroll bonuses.
Make sure you use a level 5 Darknest as your target. If you choose a lower level Darknest, you not only take away viable options for real rallies, but you also run the risk of another guild defeating that Darknest. If they do, your troops will return home. This is less likely to happen with a level 5 Darknest. Plus it just confuses people. If you set a rally in a level 2 Darknest and don't come back for 7 hours, people are very likely to think it's real and join.
Do not join other people's fake rallies!! If you do, your troops will be stuck there until the host comes back online and cancels it or the timer runs down. If the timer runs down, the troops will attack the target and you'll end up with troops in the Infirmary if it was a Darknest or wounded and dead of it was a castle.
Don't use a fake rally to protect your leader. Too many ways it could accidentally go wrong. If you're not shielded, put him in the shelter.