Tutorials, explanations, guides, and information for the IGG game, Lords Mobile.

General Info

Official Drop Rates


When Does Stuff Reset?

• Helps reset at a specific time special for you. It's based roughly on the time you created the account. You can find it on the help screen. Your VIP boxes, Braveheart uses, Elite stage count, Familiar fragment use, and the free hit on the Labyrinth also reset at this time.
• Solo Events reset every 3 hours starting at 0:00 GMT-5. They run for 2 hours and 55 minutes.
• Hell Events reset every hour on the hour. They run for 55 minutes.
• 24 Hour Challenges reset every 24 hours (duh?) at 00:00 GMT-5 They run for 23hrs 55 minutes.
• Darknests reset once a day at 23:55 GMT-5
• Monsters reset health and location the same time as Solo Events - every 3 hours. The monster type switches at 23:55 GMT-5. Each monster type is available for two days and the two being offered switch every other day. So yesterday was Bon Appetit and Jade Worm. Today is Jade Worm and Frostwing. Tomorrow is Frostwing and Gargantua. Etc.
• Packs in the mall switch at 0:00 GMT-5.

How to Link/Unlink a Facebook Account on Android

Instructions courtesy of Heph's LM HelpBot
Linking Facebook is even more simple then Unlinking.
1. Sign on to the account you want to link
2. Click the gear on the lower right hand side of Lords Mobile Turf Screen
3. Click Account and then Switch Device
4. Click Link
5. Sign on to the desired Facebook for your account to be linked

Unlinking a Facebook account from your Lords mobile account is a very easy thing to do.
1. Log into the Facebook connected to your Lords mobile account
2. Click the 3 Horizontal lines icon on the upper right of the Facebook screen
3. Scroll all the way to the bottom or until you find Account Settings. Click Account Settings.
4. Again, scroll all the way down, or until you find Apps
5. Click Logged in with Facebook on the top of that new tab
6. Click the empty bubble besides Lords7. Click the now blue Remove button.

Heph's LM HelpBot 

This AMAZING tool is available as a Line friend. Once you're friends with it, just type help and it'll give you the menu for options. There are MANY guides (some of which are here). And it's always online to answer your questions. If you want to be friends with it, let me know. I'll send a recommendation. I've got no idea how to find it unless you're already friends with it. (Heph, if you're out there, find me!)